Candidates for President-Elect 2020-2021

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Candidate Information

Lynette Chua,
National University of Singapore

Lynette Chua is Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore and a law and society scholar whose research focuses on legal mobilization and legal consciousness. She is the author of The Politics of Love in Myanmar: LGBT Mobilization and Human Rights as A Way of Life (Stanford University Press, 2019) and Mobilizing Gay Singapore: Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State (Temple University Press, 2014), both of which have won international recognition and honors.

Lynette was the organizer for ALSA’s inaugural conference and junior scholars’ workshop in 2016 in Singapore. She has served on the ALSA Board of Trustees since 2017 and Asian Law & Society Journal editorial board since 2016. At the Law & Society Association, she was elected class representative trustee for 2017-2019 and served on several committees and Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs). In addition, Lynette is a member of the Law & Society Review advisory board and Law & Policy editorial board.

Shozo, Ota,
Meiji University

Professor Shozo OTA is professor of law at Meiji University School of Law. He teaches Law & Social Science and Legal Negotiation & ADR. He is professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo. His research fields include AI & Law, Law & Brain Science, Bayesian Inference on Experimental Survey Data, Law & Economics, etc. He is one of the pioneers of Empirical Socio-Legal Studies in Japan. He taught at Michigan Law School as Visiting Professor of Japanese Law in 1997-98. He published 6 books, more than 130 papers including 10 English papers, and edited 8 books.